Icom 756 Pro 3 Serial Numbers

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Icom 756 Pro 3 Serial Numbers Average ratng: 4,6/5 3010 votes

ImprovementsSpecificationsAccessoriesMini ScopeRTTYRear Panel

Apr 04, 2017  spotless radio -everything works perfect-new in 2010 and used seldom -always covered -serial number 32058xx-factory box manual-mic-long power cord with spade fuse holders not round fuses- factory bag with screws fuses and phone jack- will include a cloth cover with icom name on front -1250 and will talk about shipping- 269-945-5876 -thanks ron.

The Icom 756 Pro III was the last member of the venerable '756' family that started with the 756, 756 Pro, 756 ProII. This latest version offers some incremental improvements over the previous 756 Pro II:
Improved Third Order Intercept point of +30dBm
Real time spectrum scope (with mini-scope)
The IC-756 Pro II spectrum scope display occupied the lower half of the screen. The IC-756Pro III provides a selectable mini-scope display mode. This allows simultaneous display of the filter, memory-keyer and other menus along with a half-size spectrum-scope display.
60 Meter 5 MHz Band
Improved 1st filter and BPF for reduced distortion
Preamp changed to a noiseless feedback type to reduce second order distortion.

New ITU Morse '@' symbol
The new '@' symbol is provided even with the memory keyer enabled.
Programmable SSB transmit bandwidth
The IC-756 Pro II provided three selectable TOBW settings: WIDE/MID/NAR. The lower and upper -6dB points of the transmitted audio-frequency response are fixed for each setting. In the IC-756Pro III, it is possible to program each of the three settings individually with the following preset cutoff frequencies: Lower -6dB point: 100, 300 and 500 Hz., Upper -6dB point: 2.5, 2.7 and 2.9 kHz.
This permits the operator to configure his own custom WIDE/MID/NAR selections by mixing and matching low and high roll-off points.
Clock function displays local time and UTC time with time difference indication
Screen saver function to prolong LCD life and reduce burn-in.


Icom Ic 756 Pro 3

Icom 756 Pro 3 Serial Numbers

Icom 756 Pro 3 Serial Numbers

Order #
PhotoItemDescriptionList PriceYour PriceOrder
#2606AH-2bMobile HF antenna will cover all bands from 7-54 MHz when used with the AH-4. 8.2 Feet (2.5 m).$520.00$299.98
#3702AH-4Automatic antenna tuner 120 watts, 80 to 6 meters. INFO$345.00299.95
CT-17CI-V Level Converter for connection to PC RS-232C port. INFODiscontinued
HM-36Hand mic [as supplied]. Discontinued
#4219HM-219Hand mic [replaces HM-36]. $55.00$44.95
#4309OPC-025DDC Power cord 9 foot (3m). [Same as supplied].$45.00$34.95
PS-125Switching Power Supply. 25 Amp. INFODiscontinued
SM- 6Desk microphone with flexible neck.Discontinued
SM-20Uni-directional electret condenser-type, Up/Down desktop microphone with low cut function. INFODiscontinued
#1696SP-23External Speaker with dual inputs, audio filtration, speaker switch and headphone jack. Click here for details.$330.00$239.95
UT-102Voice synthesizer announces frequency and mode.Discontinued
MINI MANUALNifty spiral bound mini-manual contains 19 laminated pages [4.5 x 8 inch].Discontinued