Pierluigi Ighina L Atomo Magnetico Pdf To Excel
Pier Luigi Ighina (1908 in Milan – 2004 in Imola), was an Italian researcher. His unorthodox theories on electromagnetism are not recognized by the scientific community.
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Pier Luigi Ighina studied in Milan Electronics and Radio Transmission and worked at Magneti Marelli, CGE (Compagnia Generale di Elettricità) and then at Ansaldo Lorenz in Genova. He claimed to be assistant of Guglielmo Marconi for a number of scientific findings. However, no official proof of these collaborations are known.
The Theory of 'Magnetic Atom'[edit]
His theories involve the concept of the pulsing 'Magnetic Atom' at the base of the matter. This 'Magnetic Atom' could be scattered into magnetic monopoles, whose interactions are at the basis of life and matter. Waves of magnetic atoms are continuously exchanged between the Sun and the Earth, with a proper frequency and shape. Based on this claims, Ighina built some extravagant machines: in particular one for prevent earthquakes and one other to make it rain. However, Ighina did not patent any of his machines and findings.
Influences in Art[edit]
The famous Italian musician Franco Battiato cited directly the claims of Ighina in his album Pollution (1972).
- Pier Luigi Ighina, La scoperta dell'atomo magnetico, Imola, Galeati, 1954.(ISBN88-86064-42-X).
- Giusy Zitoli, Io l'ho conosciuto. L'uomo che avrebbe potuto salvare il pianeta da una distruzione 'annunciata'. Chi è dunque? Scienziato geniale o 'extraterrestre' incarnato uomo?, Pogliano Milanese, Atlantide, 1996. ISBN88-86064-22-5.
- 'Ighina, Pierluigi', in Paolo Albani e Paolo della Bella, Forse Queneau. Enciclopedia delle scienze anomale, Bologna, Zanichelli, 1999, p. 206. ISBN88-08-26070-4.
- Massimo Barbieri, comments on L'atomo magnetico by Pier Luigi Ighina, 27 dicembre 2001, in Tecnologie di frontiera.
- Alberto Tavanti (a cura di), Pier Luigi Ighina profeta sconosciuto, 2007.
- Alberto Tavanti (a cura di), 1908–2008. Centenario della nascita di Pier Luigi Ighina, un uomo venuto dal futuro, Faenza, 2008.
- Antonio Castronuovo, 'Cent'anni di Ighina, scienziato anomalo', in Università aperta. Terza pagina, n. 11 (2008), pp. 10–11.
Pier Luigi Ighina Atomo Magnetico Pdf Download DOWNLOAD: pier luigi ighina atomo magnetico pdf pier luigi ighina la. Twice-nominated Nobel Peace Prize systems theorist, Ervin Laszlo, has stated that, “the fundamental furnishing of the universe is information. Title, La scoperta dell’atomo magnetico. Attualità e coscienza. Author, Pier Luigi Ighina. Publisher, Atlantide, ISBN, ,
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Pierluigi Ighina L Atomo Magnetico Pdf To Excel Free
This device concentrates locally this phenomenon and improves the Health and Life Energy of the environment. And that is what he did. Il primo inconveniente, assai banale, si verifica poco dopo le 12, He then made researches on the germination of corn: Based on the technology of the microscope, he built a telescope and could aatomo water, mountains, vegetation, fauna and beings similar to humans on the moons surface.
For example, our body and all types of biological entities are healed, and growth is boosted by it.
The experiment of “neutralization” of a dense agglomeration of clouds made by frontier scientist Pierluigi Ighina. He answered that since he had been studying the effect of magnetici planetary magnetic field on human vitality and in the formation of matter.
In molti la speranza comincia a cedere, ma moltissimi restano fuori a scrutare il cielo. So, in my opinion, if Ighina is a “Crazy” is a “crazy” that speaks and acts as a wise and so should be enough.
What follows is a summary day since, along with a group of friends, I personally derived from and discussions with Pier Luigi Ighina. Infatti essi si servono di operatori e di programmati terrestri, i quali agiscono per loro diretto consiglio e ammaestramento.
La scoperta dell’atomo magnetico – Pier Luigi Ighina – Google Books
He has experimentally proved that the formation of electricity in the clouds is due to the mahnetico magnetic field: In fact they serve operators and planned land, which acting on their advice and direct ammaestramento. This way the matter atoms always keep a little motion which can last for long periods without the necessity of the chemical reactions produced by alimentation. He analysed the vibration of the injured bone in comparison to the one of a sane bone.
In the years between and he tried to develop a strong microscope indispensable in the study of the matter. He also transmitted electric energy through light atoms. One points upward, and another points downward.
Pier Luigi Ighina
I’m already past This rhythm is unique and represent the state of tension of the specific matter. The different circles would create some kind magetico shield around the atom. Ci sono tante prospettive in programma, cose strabilianti, affermano gli operatori.
This oil is not flushed away like it happens with the chemical fertilizers. This phenomenon, called Solar-Terrestrial Rhythm, is the power supply of the Planet, continuosly balancing and growing; everything is in this phenomenon. Ighina tackles the study the atom from a perspective quite different compared to other researchers, because instead of subjecting the atom to powerful magnetic fields or particles high-energy, decides to contain his movement using other atoms, defined towel, that prevent atoms to light and those external to interfere nell’osservazione.
Pier Luigi Ighina (Author of L’atomo magnetico)
He developed the idea of trying to stop the motion of the atom. He invented this procedure because, since he wanted to have a bigger enlargement, he thought he could put different microscopes in series one after the other. In the meantime he observed that all existing matter had the property of having a particular atomic motion vibration that determined the substance and the shape of that particular matter.
Putting this atom in contact with other different atoms he could observe the following: Egli mmagnetico di aver utilizzato un certo apparecchio da lui costruito, ma probabi1mente qui gli Extraterrestri ne sanno qualcosa Or of a magnetic field of opposite sign to that of clouds and wet air, so that they gathere and condense to cause the rain? Magnerico could do the same experiments that hypnotisers do, who just tune into the persons magnetic field changing it as they like.
Ighina however, with an amused smile says that this is unimportant and not to worry. After two days somebody took the balloon back to mwgnetico.
There were also some additions to his meditations inspired Revelations to try to make more complete the overall picture. He was able to build a machine that could keep the vibration of the atoms of germination constant.
There is a life explosion! Sembra che gli bastasse soltanto la punta delle dita per scoprire il punto e la natura del guasto.
Nel libro, suddiviso nelle due sezioni teoria I e tecnica IIl’Autore descrive le sue ricerche nel campo della fisica dell’atomo, in particolare la scoperta dell’atomo magnetico. The device is a passive resonator and it needs to build charge before bringing isotopes near it. In my opinion, the only real secret is what is contained in the minds of Ighina, he says he received from extraterrestrials and that he can not reveal because humanity today so evil, there would magnetiico instrument of war and destruction.
November We visit the fantastic laboratory of Pier Luigi Ighina, 90 years, who collaborated with Guglielmo Marconi. A few months after atomoo death on 8 Januarythis book is published by a group of friends and collaboratorswho wanted real good and recognized him as a prophet and a great master.
But Pier Luigi Ighina, a good man and simple as a child, as [infatigablecabile] still a man. These magnetic atoms created two poles that surrounded the whole. Allora non possono fare da soli? Finally at around