Txdot Form 1082 Utility Installation Request

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Txdot Form 1082 Utility Installation Request Average ratng: 3,6/5 8108 votes
  1. Txdot Utility Installation Review System

1082: Utility Installation Request: 1560: Certificate of Insurance - Construction and Maintenance Contractors: 1950: Certificate of Insurance for Services: CR-2: Driver's Crash Report (For crashes that occurred on or after Sept. 1, 2017) CR-3: Texas Peace Officer's Crash Report. Form 1082 Utility Installation Request is used for new utility installations placed in right of way previously acquired by TxDOT for the State Highway System, as distinguished from existing, adjusted, or relocated installations. Approval of these new installations in right of way is the responsibility of the District, except for those.

Txdot Utility Installation Review System

ROW-N-1Memorandum of Agreement (Standard)
ROW-N-2Memorandum of Agreement (Attorney's Certificate)
ROW-N-3Memorandum of Agreement with Owner (Owner Disclaims Interest in Lessee-owned Improvements)
ROW-N-4Memorandum of Agreement with Lessee (Owner Disclaims Interest in Lessee-owned Improvements)
ROW-N-5Memorandum of Agreement (PSTS/Contamination Exists)
ROW-N-6Memorandum of Agreement (for use when title insurance is purchased)
ROW-N-8Tentative Memorandum of Agreement
ROW-N-9OASCertificate of Compensable Interest
ROW-N-11Administrative Settlement Approval Letter
ROW-N-11OASBill of Sale for Sign
ROW-N-12Administrative Settlement Disapproval Letter
ROW-N-13Release and Relinquishment of Access Rights to Highway Facility
ROW-N-14-OASDeed - OAS
ROW-N-15Right of Way Easement
ROW-N-16Right of Way Lien Release
ROW-N-16ESubordination of Lien Agreement (Permanent Easement)
ROW-N-16TESubordination of Lien Agreement (Temporary Easement)
ROW-N-17Release of Easement
ROW-N-19Occupancy Agreement
ROW-N-20ABTabulation of Cost and Request for Reimbursement
ROW-N-20CDistrict Check Sheet to Support Reimbursement on Condemned Parcel
ROW-N-21Release of Mineral Surface Rights
ROW-N-24Donation Deed, Controlled Access Highway Facility - Partial Acquisition - LPA
ROW-N-25Donation Deed - LPA - Non-Controlled Access
ROW-N-30Quitclaim Deed
ROW-N-30-OAS-Structure and LeaseholdQuitclaim Deed - OAS Structure and Leasehold
ROW-N-30-OAS-Structure and Leasehold-BisectionQuitclaim Deed - OAS Structure and Leasehold-Bisection
ROW-N-30-OAS-Structure OnlyQuitclaim Deed - OAS Structure Only
ROW-N-30-OAS-Structure Only-BisectionQuitclaim Deed - OAS Structure Only-Bisection
ROW-N-31Drainage Easement for Highway Purposes
ROW-N-71Owner's Title Policy Commitment
ROW-N-83Temporary Easement
ROW-N-85Subordination of Mineral Lease
ROW-N-86Title Statement
ROW-N-88Subordination of Mineral Lease (Controlled Access Highway Facility)
ROW-N-94Negotiator's Report
ROW-N-95Negotiator's Certificate
ROW-N-101Purchase Agreement (for use where title insurance is purchased)
ROW-N-102Purchase Agreement (for use when Attorney's Certificate is used in lieu of title insurance)
ROW-N-103Purchase Agreement (Subordination of Lessee's Surface Rights)
ROW-N-118Affidavit of Sign Ownership
ROW-N-119Affidavit and Disclaimer of Sign Interest
ROW-N-120Affidavit and Disclaimer - Owner
ROW-N-120-AAffidavit and Disclaimer - Lessee
ROW-N-120-OASDisclaimer of Interest in OAS
ROW-N-143Agreement Concerning the Donation of Property to the Texas Department of Transportation
ROW-N-145Agreement Concerning the Partial Donation of Property to TxDOT
ROW-N-271Easement for Purpose of Producing and Hauling Materials
ROW-N-ACAAttorney's Certificate 'A': Initial Certificate for Negotiated Parcels
ROW-N-ACBAttorney's Certificate 'B': Initial Certificate for Condemned Parcels for Payment of Commissioners' Award
ROW-N-ACCAttorney's Certificate 'C': Initial Certificate for Condemned Parcels for Payment of Final Judgment
ROW-N-ACDAttorney's Certificate 'D': Final Certificate for County/City Acquisition
ROW-N-ACEAttorney's Certificate 'E': Closing Certificate for State Acquisition
ROW-N-ACX1Attorney's Certificate for City/County Acquisition Projects for Extinguishing or Subordinating an Overlooked Leasehold or Easement Interest
ROW-N-ACX2Attorney's Certificate for State Acquisition Projects for Extinguishing or Subordinating an Overlooked Leasehold or Easement Interest
ROW-N-NegotCklistNegotiated Parcel Payment Submission Checklist
ROW-N-FOLFinal Offer Letter
ROW-N-FOL-OAS Structure OnlyFinal Offer Letter - OAS Structure Only
ROW-N-FOL-OAS_LandInterestFinal Offer Letter - OAS Land Interest Only
ROW-N-FOL-OAS_StructureLandFinal Offer Letter - OAS Structure and Land
ROW-N-FOLEFinal Offer Letter (Easement)
ROW-N-FOLPSTFinal Offer Letter (where Petroleum Storage Tanks exist)
ROW-N-INTOInformational Notice to Owner
ROW-N-IOLEInitial Offer Letter (Easement)
ROW-N-IOLLPTInitial Offer Letter to Lessee, Partial Taking
ROW-N-IOLLWTInitial Offer Letter to Lessee, Whole Taking
ROW-N-IOL-OAS-LandInitial Offer Letter - OAS Land Interest Only
ROW-N-IOL-OAS_StructureOnlyInitial Offer Letter - OAS Structure Only
ROW-N-IOL-OAS_StructureLandInitial Offer Letter - OAS Structure and Land
ROW-N-IOLOPTInitial Offer Letter to Owner, Partial Taking
ROW-N-IOLOWTInitial Offer Letter to Owner, Whole Taking
ROW-N-IOLPPSTInitial Offer Letter, Partial Taking, PSTS/Contamination Exists
ROW-N-IOLPTInitial Offer Letter, Partial Taking
ROW-N-IOLWPSTInitial Offer Letter, Whole Taking, PSTS/Contamination Exists
ROW-N-IOLWTInitial Offer Letter, Whole Taking
ROW-N-MOAMemorandum of Agreement
ROW-N-OAS_NoticeToVacateOAS Notice to Vacate
ROW-N-PostPetitionPost-Petition Updated Appraisal Letter
ROW-N-PSTRAPetroleum Storage Tank Removal Agreement
ROW-N-PUAPossession and Use Agreement for Transportation Purposes
ROW-N-PUAALTPossession and Use Agreement for Transportation Purposes (Alternative)
ROW-N-PUAICPossession and Use Agreement with Additional Payment of Independent Consideration
ROW-N-TCLTemporary Construction License